Friday, May 23, 2008

~"All Quiet on the Western Front"~

Hey there, welcome back ;]

As U might´ve seen, there´s a new sketch online. It was a test for developing a first impression of how the female maincharacter should look like. As time went by and paper vanished, vision became clearer and by now it certainly looks a lot more different compared to those early scribbles. However there´s still no completed characterdesign, so I guess the next days will come up with a little bit more scribble-stuff to show U :]

Whatever, meanwhile a teammember, named Florian, gave a little bit more thought into the storyline, so that working on storyboard does not make much sense at this point, since it´d be a waste of recources overdoing all drawings, only because the whole base of the story´s changed.

As soon as progress is going on U´ll be informed. So long, enjoy Ur weekend ;D

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Hi there again!

Today I´m gonna introduce U into the project´s plot. Also U might have spotted it already: the "daily sketch"-section has become to life [don´t mind if there´s not a new image everyday, but I´ll try my very best :] From now on every new pic will be introduced there and later on published in a collection [or so, I´m not too sure about what the blog´s structure will be like yet].
Although, there might be tiiiny differences, compared to the original..

First of, it´s about the question: how could the devil [the snake] convince Eve to take the apple [or at least make the incident happen]. Also the film´ll deal with typical prejudices between men and women - so it´s gonna be a quite amusing shortfilm.
Speaking of that, oh yeah, did I mention that we´re studying at an university dealing with stuff like that?

In those 3 years of study we´re supposed to produce around 8 shortfilms, including 2D animation, a solo project, a team-film, music spot, promotion trailer, one short done with the whole semester [that´s what we´re preparing right now] and at least the diploma, containing a short and some written stuff.

Summarised: U´ll be watching the development of a shortfilm. The main characters
~::Adam   ? and ?   Eve::~

will soon be presented.

We would be pleased by annotaions, questions and every other kind of stuff U might want to tell us :]

So long~

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


to our blog!

Let´s take a little tour around.... hrm.. not too much stuff here yet, eh? There´s more to come, U´ll see ;]

First off, we´d like to introduce ourselves: we´re students from the Babelsberg Film School, which, after our underlying school - The German Film School - went insolvency, was fortunately founded by Studio Babelsberg two month ago.

At present we´re absolving the 5th semester [out of 6], therefor we´re now working on a team-film done by the whole semester [normally U´re working in groups of about 3 to 4 people].

More stuff, information, images etc. is to come, so stay tuned ;]