Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Oh my god.. it´s living!! [somehow ;]

Well, hello out there~

After some time of abstinence, we´re back! Keep Ur breath, the voices were heard, due to several, partly gashing changes to story and characterdesign, there passed some time, before we were able to show U new stuff [noo, it´s not due to we did less than we should have..... :]

Anyhow, there´s plenty of interesting things to show and tell.

First of, the story developed, it´s not a sequence anymore, but should show the progress of Adam´s and Eve´s relationship.
It was fun developing the animatic, a little bit tricky since it´s an animated storyboard anf one had to think about what to draw seperately and which part could be drawn in a panel together, but I guess it works out just fine.

Second, the characterdesign changed, which was nearly desastrously since Jonas [our leading modeler] just finished Eve.. hm.. quite a pitty. Luckily body and face could be used later on, adapting the changes.

Well yes, enough for the moment, there´s still a lot to be done ;]

Have a nice evening and enjoy the summer [for we can´t ;]